Spy vs. Spy Tank Paint

I have sent your url to my nephew who, at 10 years old, is fast becoming a MAD reader just like I was about 40 years ago. Even now, I never tire of reading old issues! As a boy I would camp out in the yard in a tent and read MAD by flashlight until I fell asleep. At that tender age I don't think I understood half of what I was reading but as a budding artist it intrigued me. I airbrushed an illustration for a news story in the Grand Forks (North Dakota) Herald when MAD turned 35. It was Alfred in the nude popping out of a birthday cake and looked just like a cover. I even called the MAD offices to check for any copyright issues and if I am not mistaken, was forwarded directly to Bill Gaines. It was brief but he gave the OK with no problems. I wish I had a copy of the illustration or article but all was lost in a fire in 1997. I now work in Washington, D.C., and happen to park my motorcycle in a facility used by some FBI and CIA employees. For a bit of humor I decided to paint Spy vs. Spy on my tank. One woman commented that she chuckles every time she walks by it. I appreciate your efforts in making the site available and if you know of anyone selling ratty old issues I would be happy to purchase some to send them on to my nephew.